Hi from NW Georgia


9 Years
Sep 10, 2010
My name is Susan and I'm helping my seven-year-old daughter raise chickens. She has some Rhode Island Reds, a Barred Rock, and two banty Wysham Millie Fluers (not sure about the spelling of Wysham). Raising the chickens has been a great experience for her and we've used your site quite a bit, especially the chicken coop section. We're hoping next summer to add more chickens, as we've gotten requests for eggs and maybe some turkeys.

What are the best places to order chickens. She shows for fun, but we're mostly looking for reasonably priced egg produces.
from Ohio.
Hi Susan . I ordered some of my chics from My pet chicken .com and the rest I contacted the local Co-op and they gave me the number for a local hatchery but they only had a few breeds to choose from. Also if you go to the local fair if they show poultry you might try there. I ordered 11 specialty chics all sexed and shipped for 90 dollars that sounds pricy but 4 were bantys and sexing them was 7 dollars each . Hope this helps

That was a great welcome! Thanks everyone!!! Gracie showed her chickens at the fair this past week -- and brought home 2 blue ribbons and a second, so she was extremely proud of her "babies." Most showers here are into bantams, and we have full size birds (since they are mostly for eggs), but a very sweet family gave her a pair of bantams. Spent the last few days building a small coop and yard for them. I'm looking forward to hanging out here and learning some stuff!

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