Honeysuckle, cameilia, crepe myrtle ? Safe for chickens?


11 Years
Mar 28, 2008
Does anyone know about the safety of these plants? Its hard to find out if you don't know their proper names.
Will chickens not eat things that are bad for them or poisonous?
Thanks chickengurl:)
That's one down.
We're planning on growing honeysuckle over the top of the run to provide a lovely, fragrant smell for our very close neighbors

Anybody know about this one or cameilias?
just lost one of my chickens to crape myrtle berries that become the flowers.its the only thing i found on the ground.and i had just cut the grass before i let them free range.and those berrys was not there before.be carefull with these.i believe this chicken flewq up and knocked it off.
Thanks chickengurl:)
That's one down.
We're planning on growing honeysuckle over the top of the run to provide a lovely, fragrant smell for our very close neighbors

Anybody know about this one or cameilias?
I read in "Fresh Eggs Dailey" that honeysuckle was poisonous for chickens. I was wondering about the crepe mrytle myself bc mine were eating the leaves

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