How do I discourage my rooster from mounting the hens in my presence??

Roosters never let a subordinate roo mount hens in his presence, so if your rooster does so in front of you it's the same as saying "I'm the boss". He should be trying to hide from you to grab a hen or two if he really understands you're in charge. A rooster who knows his place will not attack you unless he's trying to supplant your position. My giant RIR roo named Ruben knows and keeps his respect when I'm around. I never have to fear a peck or scratch because we worked out our positions while he was being raised. At 16 weeks he fluffed up and stomped at me. It did not end well for his little fluffy butt (I popped it with my hand) and he's never done it since. Also, I make it a practice of picking him up every day and giving him a good scratch. Picking up a rooster seems to also imprint their subordinate position in their minds - though I doubt there's real science behind this. Just be sure to keep his wings and sides free so he doesn't feel suffocated.
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