How do I discourage my rooster from mounting the hens in my presence??

I like the site... but... I would never let a rooster attack a human. They ALWAYS know I'm boss from day one and if they don't learn it they are gone.
There is no need to stop the rooster from mounting hens in your presence. He's a rooster, that's what he does. He's not interested in you or your thoughts about it and isn't "acting out" toward you in any way. That's just what roosters do. If it "bothers" you, just get rid of the rooster, or put him in a separate pen. It would be like putting a horse in a pasture and then trying to "train" him not to eat grass.
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I like your analogy
I like your analogy

That's great. He's just doing what nature tells him to do and what is natural to do. I have 10 roosters and they are not showing me disrespect by mating their ladies. They don't attack me either. They know I am the Queen of the coop and I don't have to be mean to them with a boot to show them this.
I don't keep roosters that are aggressive. I have small children.

I wouldn't either as we have a young GS. When my alpha was very young and started sowing his wild oats including challenging me, I decided to try and modify his behavior instead of getting rid of him right away and it worked.
I will admit that I handled him wrong from the beginning and my actions may have led to some of his behavior problems.
Now my alpha has gone to another home, but not because of behavior problems. My remaining rooster is not aggressive at all, so he doesn't need any behavior modification and he mates the hens when he wants.

The point is, it's one way of dealing with an aggressive rooster. If your rooster is not aggressive towards you, then you have nothing to worry about and no behavior that needs changing.
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I should also add that a mean rooster who attacks people is a problem. A rooster who mates hens in your presence is not the same thing at all. If you have an aggressive rooster who attacks people, get rid of him.

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