How do you stop quail for eating their eggs??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Apr 7, 2007
Southeastern PA
Does anyone no a way to help stop or prevent bobwhite quial from eating their eggs? They were laying fine for almost a month and then all of the sudden I started seeing yolks runnig down through the wire and on the sides of the pens. I haven't been able to get the eggs out before they eat them. Does anyone have any solutions to my problem? Thanks!
It's like chickens and other fowl once they learn where they can get an easy tasty meal they will continue to crack and eat eggs. Best thing is to collect more often once they start eating them. That or replace them.
Aren't most quail kept in roll-out cages?

Unfortunately, I do not have any other advice except a roll out cage. A cage with a slanted floor so the eggs "roll-out" where the birds cannot reach them.

Eat the quail. That stops the egg eating and is 100% failproof.

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