How do you store straw?


12 Years
Jan 17, 2008
Go ahead. Laugh and make fun of the stupid city chicken owner.

Fine, now that that's over, can someone please tell me how to store a bale of straw? I really only have it to put in the nest boxes, so one bale will likely last a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Do I need to keep it in a bin? Sealed in a trash bag? Out on the lawn?
Best to keep it totally dry but AIRY (not in a bag or can) if at all possible -- straw is pretty prone to mold, and keeping it enclosed is just asking for mold problems.

Up on a couple pallets (not lying on the ground) is best.


I just use one of those big plastic rolling trash cans. The ones with the lids that come completely off and have that good snug seal, yea you have to make sure its on properly or the black widows get in there, and when you reach in to grab some hay you get a not so nice surprise lol
i would steer clear of sealing it in a container. as others have said, this is asking for dust and mold. the best way to store straw is to keep it in a covered area with lots of ventilation and make sure it's up off the ground. you can get a wooden pallet to put underneath the bale. that will keep the bottom dry. once you've cut it open, you can loosely retie it to keep it tidy (and solid so that it doesn't look like a great place for a mouse to make a nest) and it should keep for many months.
So it sounds like I could put it up on a shelf in the garage and it will be OK. And don't start talking about black widows - I've had it up to here with them. :mad:

Thank you all for being kind and helpful

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