how long should chicks/keets stay in the incubator after hatch?

Yes wait until they are dry. But remove chicks only once or twice a day. As moist hot air escapes every time you open. Of course this is not a big deal if you have a cabinet incubator.

Have Fun!
Yes wait until they are dry. But remove chicks only once or twice a day. As moist hot air escapes every time you open. Of course this is not a big deal if you have a cabinet incubator.

Have Fun!
Fun!!! I'm a nervous Nelly that I am doing something wrong.. .the incubator says 4 days now and 4 of 8 guineas have hatched and 0 of 4 chickens. The 2 chicks I moved out to a brooder are doing well, 2 more hatched overnight but were not dry so I left them in the incubator for the day. Do they always hatch in pairs?
You can leave a chick in an incubator for 24hrs. Chicks absorb the rest of the yolk just before hatch to use as food. So they can go awhile without food (chicks you order thru mail haven't eaten yet when you get them). But I like to get them to feed and water as soon as possible. And no they do not always hatch in pairs:) Let us know what happens
You can leave a chick in an incubator for 24hrs. Chicks absorb the rest of the yolk just before hatch to use as food. So they can go awhile without food (chicks you order thru mail haven't eaten yet when you get them). But I like to get them to feed and water as soon as possible. And no they do not always hatch in pairs:) Let us know what happens

I noticed the 2 new hatch-lings are rather active and keep bumping into the other eggs. Sometimes they roll a little. With that hurt the unhatched chicks?
:) I wouldn't worry. I've hatched about 8 dz egg in one tray. it was a little tight(the first chicks were walking on the other eggs) but I got over 90% hatch. Sometimes i think it motivates others to hatch.

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