How many chickens can fit in a 8' by 5' a frame tractor?


12 Years
Jun 18, 2008
I am making a 8' by 5' (not sure how tall it will be yet) A-frame chicken tractor and wanted to know how many chickens it could hold?
4 standard size chickens at MAX! About 8 bantams. That's if you plan on keeping them locked up all the time. If you free range them during the day... and they only use the coop to sleep in at night then you could squeeze in a few more as long as the nesting box is roomy enough.

PS. I have two A Frame coops...same size as what your talkin. I suggest roofing the "run" part and tossing in some fresh hay once a month to keep the ground high and dry with good drainage.
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Good point! Could and should are two different things.
I have 2 A-Frame coops and I love them, I free range them during the day, yesturday it was 98 degrees in NH and my chickens just laid under the trees and brush along the property. I partially covered the A frame to give more shade , but at the same time left part uncovered for air flow.
I do free range mine and the coop is a chicken tractor so i will be moving it almost every day to a new spot. The final dimensions are 8' by 5' by 5' right now i have 2 Seramas in it and they seem to really like it. I am planning on only putting my smaller bantams in there so i was hoping it could hold at least 6 bantams.
Here are some pics of it finished (note that this coop was made by all scraps of our last build project)

roost and if you look at the top you can see the vent:

Nest box:

Another view (note the wheels. they are from an old hospital bed)

Door for people to get in the coop:

Ramp and chicken door:


And here are the chickens that are in there right now:



I am thinking about moving my jap bantam, splash Silkie, buff cochin bantam, and either my white silkie or silver laced polish in with the Seramas when they are older. what do you think?
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