How many chicks can a broody raise?


Smiling. I'm up to something.
7 Years
May 19, 2017
Swamps of Texas
I have a hen that went broody and I set eggs. How many chicks can a broody raise on average? I understand that each is an individual and this one is doing better than the last one.

I set 34 eggs. How many could she raise?

@casportpony @Ursuline Chick - any chance you would offer an opinion?
What breed is your hen? Since she'll need to keep them warm, she can raise as many as will fit under her. My Buff Orpingtons are large and they can hold about 12 chicks underneath.
She is a barnyard mix. Ayem Cemani and something. Large fowl. She has 15 under her now and she fluffs up pretty good. Nice pancake.
15 is a lot, as she must keep all of the eggs completely covered, so they all stay at optimum temp at all times. She will rotate them and you don't want eggs on the edges to cool off and stop growing. If she has all 15 completely covered, I would think you have nothing to be concerned with. Once they hatch, your hen will keep how every many in line, learning to eat, drink, bathe, and what are tasty morsels to chase and eat.
It is a very enjoyable time, and some of the greatest chicken TV to be watched.
Good luck and enjoy, @RUNuts :love
To clarify.
I put 4 under her & all hatched.
I put 28 in the incubator.
we have 21 hatched. The question is how many chicks can she manage? Can I give her all 21 babies? She’s doing good with 14 at the moment.
Oh, I think 14 is pushing it. Should be a site to see when they get bigger and try to get under her. :lau
I would give her all at night, just slip them under her. And try to watch closely the next day to make sure she is up to keeping them all together.
I don't think you will have a problem.
But do keep us posted, as I am interested in knowing how you hen does with the over sized brood. :)

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