How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Nine today from 11 ladies. “Chip” is still in quarantine and didn’t lay (can’t say I blame her). She is holding her own, waiting on our vet to get her antibiotics. Called today, hope tomorrow. She doesn’t appear to be suffering, MUCH better color but missing her flock.
I’m so glad Chip is doing better! I’ll keep praying for her quick recovery, so she can get back to her flock soon ❤️
3 today!

I’m so glad Chip is doing better! I’ll keep praying for her quick recovery, so she can get back to her flock soon ❤️
God bless you @Winderdear still waiting on the vet, but she doesn’t seem super sick, more agitated that she is limited to the small area. She drank and did eat some crumble. Her sister “Dale”, I call her Red, seemed to be looking for her tonight around roosting time. Might have been my imagination, but I don’t think so. If it isn’t obvious, my ladies mean the world to me. Yes, they are chickens, but they still bring so much joy. I can’t imagine loosing any……

Oh I almost forgot 10 eggs today!

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