How much vitamin d supplement should I give my two year old duck?

hi there, I know this is an old thread, but when my ducks had vitamin D deficiency, our vet instructed me to give them each 200 IU of vitamin D (which was 2 drops of the supplement I purchased from Amazon — link below) 3X a week.

We did this for 2-3 months, and then she had me decrease to 200 IU just 1x a week as it builds up in their bodies. Our vet said 1x a week dose would be fine on an ongoing basis, if I wanted to keep them on it.

I continued for a few months (on the 1x a week dose) but then ended up stopping for the past 6 months because I was afraid of them having too much anyway, and now I suspect they are leaning towards the same vitamin d deficiency sadly.

I take them outside 5-6x a week for 4-5 hours, but there is so much shade due to many large trees that I think they’re still not getting enough (combined with the poor winter weather).. 😢 I will resume the supplements at the 1x a week dose and see how that goes for now.

Here is the link to the supplement my vet approved for use:

Hope this helps
hi there, I know this is an old thread, but when my ducks had vitamin D deficiency, our vet instructed me to give them each 200 IU of vitamin D (which was 2 drops of the supplement I purchased from Amazon — link below) 3X a week.

We did this for 2-3 months, and then she had me decrease to 200 IU just 1x a week as it builds up in their bodies. Our vet said 1x a week dose would be fine on an ongoing basis, if I wanted to keep them on it.

I continued for a few months (on the 1x a week dose) but then ended up stopping for the past 6 months because I was afraid of them having too much anyway, and now I suspect they are leaning towards the same vitamin d deficiency sadly.

I take them outside 5-6x a week for 4-5 hours, but there is so much shade due to many large trees that I think they’re still not getting enough (combined with the poor winter weather).. 😢 I will resume the supplements at the 1x a week dose and see how that goes for now.

Here is the link to the supplement my vet approved for use:

Hope this helps
Are your ducks indoor as well?
Hi! They live/sleep indoors but during the daytime, they play (and swim) outside in our backyard 5-6x a week for 4-7 hours each day.. they stay outside longer during summer when daylight is longer).
How much do your ducks weigh? & can I see a pic of your ducks hehe

I have 2 female muscovies that live indoors currently because they got hardware poisoning a couple years ago & I think they are suffering from the same thing. I should've really researched more about indoor ducks but there really just isn't much to go off of because I feel like indoor people tend to get some hate on here so in turn, I feel like we are quiet about our ducks haha. Most of our backyard is shaded also and I don't have the luxury of allowing them in the front yard because I live in the suburbs and a lot of people on my block have unleashed dogs & traffic can get busy. Until I know that all of the soil on our property is safe, I'm doing all the foraging for them. We've dedicated our whole master bathe to them so they have a tub and lots of space, but dang, they really are a dedication and I'm glad I can be with them 24/7 ♡

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