How old?

Mine are just trying to crow now at 3 months. It sounds terrible but, I can hear that they are getting close. Within the next couple of weeks probably. I believe I have read about 4 months elsewhere. It also depends on breed.
I am raising Ameraucanas (and other babies) and they began crowing around 6 weeks. I noticed that the "Top" roo was the first to crow, followed by his "partner in crime" or the one I call "second in command". Now they are nearly 10 weeks old, and they are still the only two I've heard crow. We've already sold off the additional roos, keeping only our favorite 3. The third roo, who is/was to be our breeder, has yet to make a sound.

I think in addition to age and breed, the whole social structure of the flock plays a part in when the birds begin to crow. I have heard that in some cases, when people with a flock consisting of hens and only 1 roo, the roo will take longer to crow. Also, if there is a roo nearby that can be heard by may crow sooner.

Some breeds are known for being more 'quiet' and some are known for loud, ear piercing crows that get to your soul (like Silkies), and others will have a 'normal' barnyard roo crow. Enjoy your when they start, because the first attempts sound so silly! It sounds like someone is ringing their neck and squeezing the air out of them at the same time! lol
But, within a few weeks of the frist try, they get much better, and much LOUDER at it.
My 6 week old RIR is making his first attempts which sound like squealing brakes.
Every time my big boy crows, there is the little guy echoing him with his funny little squelch.

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