How smart are your ducks and chickens?


In the Brooder
May 11, 2020
Sheboygan Wisconsin
Hey everyone!

My wife and I are new to raising backyard animals. We've got 4 awesome baby Cayugas!

What kind of subtle behaviors have you noticed in your flock that made you stop and say, "dang these guys are smarter then I thought!"?

We noticed that with our ducklings, one of them will always be sitting while the other three are up and about. Almost seems like they are rotating with each other, one relaxing and three are on watch! Or we could be crazy... who knows?! 😆😆
I've got to say, while I love my birds, I've never thought "Maybe they're smarter than I thought." I usually think more along the lines of "How are they even still alive?" Usually while I'm watching as one forgets how to walk out an open door and runs back and forth along the wall screaming at the rest of the flock for vanishing.

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