How to Clip Guinea Wings


Jun 4, 2018
Would someone please help me? We have eight Guinea fowl along with our flock of 200+ chickens. We had to fence in 3 acres as the “guardian” dogs we bought as pups had Parvo and were away from our flock during those crucial times as puppies. They are NOT able to be with the flock like our Great Pyrenees.

We let all of the flock out after having finished the 6’ fencing and it wasn’t five minutes before three Guines flew over the fence and were in dogs’ mouths!

We rescued them and all are fine and dandy.

We thought maybe we could clip their wings to keep them from flying over?

Can someone teach me how to safely and effectively clip Guinea wings? We LOVE our Guineas and want all good to come their way. 🙏🏼

Thank you so very much!!! 😁🙏🏼❤️

Would someone please help me? We have eight Guinea fowl along with our flock of 200+ chickens. We had to fence in 3 acres as the “guardian” dogs we bought as pups had Parvo and were away from our flock during those crucial times as puppies. They are NOT able to be with the flock like our Great Pyrenees.

We let all of the flock out after having finished the 6’ fencing and it wasn’t five minutes before three Guines flew over the fence and were in dogs’ mouths!

We rescued them and all are fine and dandy.

We thought maybe we could clip their wings to keep them from flying over?

Can someone teach me how to safely and effectively clip Guinea wings? We LOVE our Guineas and want all good to come their way. 🙏🏼

Thank you so very much!!! 😁🙏🏼

Search for how to clip chicken wings. It is the same for guineas.

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