I Think they will die!!!


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 10, 2007
Hey, I've got two silkies (A pair). Got them a couple weeks ago. He crowed and they both were happy. We were able to catch them and hold them... then a few days later after being in our back yard (while we still worked on their coop) He quit crowing, they both wanted to SLEEP all the time. Now they are in the coop... and today.... I'm so scared.... They like are wabbling (act drunk almost... ) when they walk, close their eyes, bow their heads...... I can't figure what happened!!? Any ideas?

I wonder if they got stung by a bee or something? Ate something ( a weed... plant... ) I'm lost. I'm sooo new at this!!! Then babies are down stairs and haven't even met them yet.

ANy ideas? help?
Take a fecal sample to the vet, actually from a couple of spots. If its cocci they will be able to tell you from that. If its other parasites they can also identify them.
I'm also thinking of Botulism since they were fine till they went outside. Of course that could just be a coincidence, but if they ate something outside they shouldn't have........
I just went out and found some of the poop that they did recently. Does it look normal??

I don't keep rat poison outside, only in the garage.
Yes its hot. But they have tons of shade !They aren't really eating. Though... his craw is full... so he must be. She is not.
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The pic is a little blurry, but that poo looks pretty green!! Are you sure that maybe a mouse/rat didnt drag some of the poison outside? I sure hope they are ok. Keep us posted.
I don't mean to scare you more, but with mouse poison, the mice eat the stuff and are still able to walk. They go someplace else and eventually die. This might have happened and your chickens got hold of a sick mouse. I have had chickens catch mice before, not sure if they ingested them.
I wish I could help you! Please don't let your baby chicks out until you find out what the problem is with the older birds. Be sure anyone that may handle the bablies wash their hands before handling the baby chicks. Keep their feeders and waterers clean. Be careful to not let anything transfer to them.
Hoping for the best!

Has anyone nearby possibly sprayed their lawns or trees for bugs? I had a cat once that ingested some powder (sorry can't remember the name of the stuff). She licked it off and of course got sick. She was acting drunk, staggering, falling over. I got her to the vet fast. Maybe check with your neighbors about any kinds of sprays they might have used, it could drift into your yard.
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So if they did get rat poison.... How can I help them? What do I do???
I am sending you a big vitual hug!
There is a sticky topic that has some sites. Maybe you could find the symtoms your birds have. Check at the top of the "emergencies/ diseases and cures".
There is a user here that goes by dlhunicorn She is very knowledgeble on health issues. Maybe you could email her.
Oh, I wish I could help you! I would just try to make the birds comfortable, offer them water, maybe some treats, just to get them eating. Watermelon is nice and juicy to keep them hydrated. I am feeling helpless along with you!
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Did you consult with your agricultural extension service? Free ranging flocks are usually the first affilcted with diseases like Exoctic Newcastle Disease. They serve as a forwarning. Free ranging allows poultry to interact with wild birds that carry disease.

While battery farming seems cruel, it is a lot more sanitary than free ranging.

Go online and check for Aphis updates for your area.

Good Luck,


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