International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

From some notes I took here from @Chooks man

Sorry I do not have the post numbers in my notes.

yeah there isa lot marans trait we can select for as chicks ;
1) type = we keep a chunky chick and we cull the skinny one.
2) less white possible ( only under the bally and chest ,tip of they wings )
3) strait legs and well spaced ..
4) healthy ,robust chick.
5) physical defect .
6) recessive melanin . black comb / wattles and toes nails ..
7) long chick (long back ) NOT a square chick .
8) short legs chick NOT a taller legs .
9) blue/green eyes Not a black /brown eyes.
10) chicks with a brown dot on they head sign of purity of a BCM strain .are a keepers .
Thank you very much for that, I saved it for future ... Interesting about the brown dot (10). And I'm only guessing here but (6) recessive melanine black comb and wattles I'm assuming is an immediate cull?
I'm seeing other threads talking about these "Gypsy face" their calling them.

Just feeling like these two are mini Kongs with possibly 18 more set to hatch and any boys from Betty could be much better.
No rash decisions yet, just looking to get everyone's thoughts on their selection schedules to thin the flock out for my best breeders.

Pics coming asap... ♥️
Thank you very much for that, I saved it for future ... Interesting about the brown dot (10). And I'm only guessing here but (6) recessive melanine black comb and wattles I'm assuming is an immediate cull?
I'm seeing other threads talking about these "Gypsy face" their calling them.

Just feeling like these two are mini Kongs with possibly 18 more set to hatch and any boys from Betty could be much better.
No rash decisions yet, just looking to get everyone's thoughts on their selection schedules to thin the flock out for my best breeders.

Pics coming asap... ♥️

I had a gypsy face girl several years ago. Not for breeding but a very sweet hen who laid a dark speckled egg.

You will know immediately if you see one. Dark face, dark eyes, mine had no copper. Comb was dark but still showed a reddish look.

Just remember chicks change a lot as they grow and some things can change again after 1st adult molt.

Don't cull too hastily. Grow out several of the best as long as you can.

As always looking forward to your pics.
Just some random rambling updates:

My olive Eggers are 6 weeks old yesterday. They were hatched out by Gina my jersey giant. She was a great mother for 4 weeks then returned to the roost bar and left them to fend for themselves. She must have taught them well enough because they all did fine without her help. They had a couple days to adjust to helping each other rather than relying on mom for everything but all and all everything went smoothly.

Gena went back to laying within just a few days of when she weened the chicks and laid maybe 6 eggs 3 were double yolk. Last night she slept in a nesting box and is acting full on broody again. She shreeks at me when I collect eggs, lays flat out like a pancake to cover eggs, and her belly is picked bald and hot to the touch. I don’t need more chicks right now so I guess I’ll probably watch her for a couple days then break her broody if she decides to stick with it

Attached is a couple pictures of the chicks. No close ups just yet Gens told them to avoid people and they still run away when I try to get close

My rooster has a couple of the hens looking really bald and with the weather getting really sunny they are getting sunburned so aprons have been ordered but haven’t arrived yet

Beautiful flock you got... ♥️
Just some random rambling updates:

My olive Eggers are 6 weeks old yesterday. They were hatched out by Gina my jersey giant. She was a great mother for 4 weeks then returned to the roost bar and left them to fend for themselves. She must have taught them well enough because they all did fine without her help. They had a couple days to adjust to helping each other rather than relying on mom for everything but all and all everything went smoothly.

Gena went back to laying within just a few days of when she weened the chicks and laid maybe 6 eggs 3 were double yolk. Last night she slept in a nesting box and is acting full on broody again. She shreeks at me when I collect eggs, lays flat out like a pancake to cover eggs, and her belly is picked bald and hot to the touch. I don’t need more chicks right now so I guess I’ll probably watch her for a couple days then break her broody if she decides to stick with it

Attached is a couple pictures of the chicks. No close ups just yet Gens told them to avoid people and they still run away when I try to get close

My rooster has a couple of the hens looking really bald and with the weather getting really sunny they are getting sunburned so aprons have been ordered but haven’t arrived yet

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I agree, I wish he was here, I’m worried what could have happened but really it isn’t my business.

For the face I look for comb evenness, evenness of serration, size and colour, as well as texture.
The earlobes should be almond shaped and not twisted or white, and the wattles should be round and not twisted.

The beak must be strong and curved

His comb is a little uneven for the serrations but not terrible. I’m messaging the breeder to arrange something.

He’s offering young birds too but he lives half way across the country.
halfway across Great Britain is not particularly far. You could fit nearly two Great Britains in just the state I live in, Montana. How many hours would the travel take? :lau
The grow outs are 6 weeks today.
I haven't done too many individual pics other than just watching the boys, but they are looking identical to Kong. Over colored in the chest.

At what intervals should I start thinking serious about individual pics for early selection?

And certain things to look for?

anything tall and slim is cull even at 6 weeks. they can be sold as dark eggers, not breeders.
Almost 17 weeks! May 23rd
Symmetry 3/4

Weight or size 3/4
Good big looking cockerel.

Condition & vigour 8/10
Healthy looking, active boy.

Comb 3/5
This may change as he matures.

Beak 3/3
Nice, simple and deep.

Skull & face 3/4
Not too big, nice skull shape.

Eyes 3/4
Well coloured but not as bright, deep orange or red as they could be

Wattles 2/2
Good and round

Earlobes 1/4
Too pale, but this will probably improve as he ages.

Neck 3/6
Not full enough.

Back 11/12
fantastic, long and flat, great marans back.

Tail 5/8
quite full and I like the feathers, not too high too. Just a little too long.

Wings 6/8
This might improve as more red grows in them. Held up well and tight.

Breast 7/10
Could be fuller and deeper, might fill with age, but certainly still a great marans type.

Body & fluff 7/8
Stunning, almost perfect body type long and wide.

Legs & toes 4/8
Coloured and feathered well from what I can see in the photos. Legs look a little too long and too close to each other.

Overall: 72/100. Please note I’m no professional judge, but I’m trying to give a more quantitative evaluation of people’s birds.

I could see this improving to 80+/100 when he gets older and his face matures. Very good marans cockerel, one of the best I’ve seen at his age for a while. Has lots of potential and his type could easily contribute to a great future line of marans. Well done.

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