Intestines hanging out of hen


In the Brooder
12 Years
Feb 27, 2007
In just the last ten minutes my hen went in to, I assume, lay an egg, and suddenly her intestine is laying on the straw beside her, maybe a foot and a half of length! Help, should I separate her? Should I push it back in? The others seem to be concerned and don't peck her intestine, but still, it's just laying there, what happened?!?
I'm definately not an expert, but could she be egg bound?? I don't know what you can do for her, if anything. I'm sorry I can't help you... Someone will be along to help you soon.....
After posting, I ran to separate her, but it was too late, the other chickens had torn her intestine off! Oh I feel so bad. I pulled her out to put her in a separate container, and when I looked at her bottom, I can see an open intestine line that is filled with larger than egg sized diameter lump off poo. She must have eaten something that bound her up and couldn't push her poo out. Poor thing. I don't see how she's going to live. Do I kill her to be humane? How do I do that?
Are you sure it is an intestine and not an oviduct? Either way, you need to put the hen out of her misery quickly I think.

A sharp axe to cut off her head is the quickest way to do it.
Oh, dear. I'm so sorry.
I can't imagine she can live, poor thing.
The quickest way to dispatch a chicken is to dilocate its neck. You can also do the old-fashioned axe method if you don't plan to eat her. Some folks use a gun, but I don't know anything about guns myself.
If you can't bear to do it yourself (I can't), you can take her to a vet. Mine charges about $10-$15 bucks.
Very sorry.
You have a brave son. I'm sorry this happened to you, but let there be some relief in knowing that her pain is over.

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