Introducing myself and my first chicks


In the Brooder
Feb 22, 2024
(1) I'm new to chicken rearing but have been planning for 2 years and wanting to for many more.

(2) I have four chicks who are 2 and 1/2 weeks old.

(3) The pullets are two Ameraucanas and two Buff Orpingtons. One of the Ameraucanas has a misaligned beak, which was not noticeable at first. She still drinks and eats her crumbles well. I've befriended them with dried mealworms. Now all four try to stand on my hand at the same time, but that's not possible with their size!

(4) My favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens are being with the animals and planning the coop and care for them. I plan on caring for them for a long time. (My dog lived to be 17, and my last two cats lived to be 17 and 19.)

(5) Some of my other hobbies are scrapbooking and card making, houseplants, and my backyard flower garden and vegetable container garden.

(6) I am a mom of two girls and two boys who are all adults with pets. The three youngest are just as quirky as I am! My dear husband is a country musician who plays a pedal steel guitar and who sings when he can with his Nashville friends.

(7) I found BYC on Facebook while I was looking for chicken groups.

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