is it a rooster or a hen?


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 11, 2007
I have a silver spangled hamburg that is 4 weeks old. It has wattles that are just starting to develop, it also has a red comb the wattles are red too. If I lay it on it's back it doesn't kick. This is the only hamburg I have, so I don't have other to compare to. I picked it up by it's neck and it lifted one foot up. Is it a rooster or a hen? It is also very friendly so I was wondering if the laying on the back thing could just be it's friendlyness. I have a few other chickens that are different types and I know they are hens, but none of them have red combs or wattles yet. Also I came out to check on the chickens and the silver spangled hamburg was standing by the sleeping hens and doing some low peeping thing. So is it a rooster or a hen?
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