Is it possible for a pullet to NEVER lay an egg?

Have you ever had a pullet that was 1 year old or older before she started to lay?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 51.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 46.7%
  • Are you crazy - waiting that long is impractical!

    Votes: 3 5.0%

  • Total voters
So happy I found this post, gives me me hope my lovely RIR will lay at some point, she will be a year end of July :/ she makes all the right noises, lays in a nest box clucks and nothing happens. She goes and sits on the other hens eggs but I’m certain she knows she needs to do something but nothing comes and she gets up and looks around and leaves :( no hidden nests found yet, looked high and low. All the other hens use the house and she always follows and sometimes watches them, I feel really sad for her cause it’s like her instinct is telling her she needs to do something but nothing :(
So happy I found this post, gives me me hope my lovely RIR will lay at some point, she will be a year end of July :/ she makes all the right noises, lays in a nest box clucks and nothing happens. She goes and sits on the other hens eggs but I’m certain she knows she needs to do something but nothing comes and she gets up and looks around and leaves :( no hidden nests found yet, looked high and low. All the other hens use the house and she always follows and sometimes watches them, I feel really sad for her cause it’s like her instinct is telling her she needs to do something but nothing :(
Updates please
I have a Buff Orpington that is 16 months old and has never laid an egg. She pretends to, she goes through the motions. She sits on a nest every day for an hour or 2 and never lays. She is very sweet and I wonder if maybe she will go broody one day and sit on everyone elses eggs for me. But at this point I think something inside of her must be broken and she just can't lay eggs. And no, she doesn't eat them. She will sit on other hens eggs for a while and not lay one and won't eat the other ones.
Udates please
No she's definitely not laying anywhere else. She has the coop and a fenced in run for places to go. Occasionally I will let them out to roam, but even then it's only a small area and I watch them closely. I wondered if she was laying under the coop, but we cleaned it out in the spring and found no evidence of that happening. I've seen her look into the nestbox. I've seen her climb into it and climb back out. But never have I seen her lay an egg. And since she and my WL are the only two white layers I have I would be ale to tell if she started laying.

Her comb is not as red as the combs of my Lavender Orpingtons, it's more of an orange red. Occasionally she will get a darker red or purple tone to the tips, but not the entire comb.

Oh well, maybe there's still hope for her.
My 9 months black Australorp is the same. Her lady friends all have been laying since 7 months.
Her vent is not moist and she hasn't been internally laying either. She just hasn't laid at all.
I have a warren also that hasnt layed yet,, i got her and 2 others a year ago,, the other 2 warrens are laying,,they are all the same age,, But Almond has not laid,, she isn't moist either,, so i know she isn't hiding them,, otherwise she seems fine
I have an ameraucana that I got as a chick in August 2020, and she’s never laid an egg. Her sisters started laying a long time ago. She has some other health issues so I always chocked it up to that being the cause.
My sweet Ancona AC is now 48 weeks old - just one month from turning 1 year old. She has never ever ever ever laid an egg!

What is the deal? I thought ACs were supposed to be good egg layers like their counterparts the White Leghorns. I know "she will lay when she lays" however, is it possible she is somehow defective and will never lay? Has anyone else had a pullet this late to start laying?

Many weeks ago I found a strange balloon looking thing in the manure box - I figured it was a softshell egg gone awry as my White Leghorn had been having laying issues at the time. But is there anyway that the balloon looking thing was her internal laying organs?
I know - I'm grasping at straws - but I so want my AC to lay an egg - just one egg!

She's definitely a she - but without the egg laying I'm starting to get a little worried for her. Her days are definitely numbered.
I have an Ancona as well who is 8-9 months and still has not started laying. My Rooster also ignores her completely.
This girl, is a type of Dwarf, no idea on what type of Dwarfism she has, but it made it so she doesn't lay eggs. She's a Malay, & a Year old.
Update much appreciated!
I thought I would follow up on this since sometimes I find really old posts that are relevant to my current situation - but there's nothing telling the outcome.

Here's the outcome with my pullet AC - she finally laid her first egg on 8/23/12 at 55 weeks old! She laid a few days then took a few days off. Finally she's started laying a pattern of about 5 days in a row and taking a day off. She's doing better then my Lavender Orpingtons in terms of consistency.

So I don't know if it's possible for a pullet to NEVER lay as mine finally did.

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