Is there anything wrong with this chicken egg?


May 8, 2022
North Carolina
I have 4 wyandott chickens who are about 1.5 years ild. Just recently one had its feathers pulled and we had thought it was due to infighting. The hen that had some feathers pulled stopped laying eggs consistently. Just yesterday something got in their cage around 4:00 pm. When i went to out the chickens to bed at 7:00 i only counted three chickens. One if the other chickens had been attacked in the cage and was dead. Her neck was broken but she looked perfectly intact. Now we are only getting 1-2 eggs a day. Today I saw this egg. What is wrong? Can it be eaten? Love to have some advice!


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I have 4 wyandott chickens who are about 1.5 years ild. Just recently one had its feathers pulled and we had thought it was due to infighting.
Could also be molting.. which causes feather loss and *most* will quit laying during that time.

Today I saw this egg. What is wrong? Can it be eaten?
Well, I wouldn't discount a preedator attack causing egg anamolies.. but here is a fantastic article with many of the things that can go awry during production and their possible causes..

Yours almost looks like a combination of calcium deposits along with a weak shell.. #6 and #15 in the article.
Could also be molting.. which causes feather loss and *most* will quit laying during that time.

Well, I wouldn't discount a preedator attack causing egg anamolies.. but here is a fantastic article with many of the things that can go awry during production and their possible causes..

Yours almost looks like a combination of calcium deposits along with a weak shell.. #6 and #15 in the article.
Thank you so much for the article. There does seem to be a lot of feathers in the coop all of the sudden. They started laying some eggs but not every day as they did before Nugget was killed. Does calcium help egg laying? I wilm have to look up molting as I am a fairly new chickie mama

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