Is this a mix?


13 Years
Mar 29, 2007
I really like this guy- I think he's such a pretty bird, but don't know what he is. Probably a mix, but of what? His coloring looks like Red Star hen, but not correct for a roo. Anyone?



NO idea! I thought production red's were the only one with white in feathers till molt at that age. I believe true RIR's have black in their feathers and are mahogany in color.
Probably talking about ISA Browns..the hens somewhat resemble my roo, but I don't think it's what he is.

I've yet to come across a photo of an identifiable roo with his coloring.
They were called Browns. My DH works at a feed store and someone ordered chicks-Browns, Blacks, and turkeys. They didn't pick the chicks up so home they came. While we had been talking about getting some nothing was set up for them. That changed in a hurry. I'll see if I can post a picture tomorrow-busy tonight and have never posted a picture.
Having trouble figuring out how to post a photo. Time short today as it is daughter's b-day. Will try to figure it out more tomorrow.
i know its off topic but im amazed at the size of the white leghorn roosters comb and wattles in the backround of the 2nd picture I im mean look at those things:D
This may be way off base, but just wanted to share it with you. It came from the chicken genetics website:

Red spash white rs Recessive. Two copies of this gene give a white bird with spashes of red and black. Chicks are white with a red head spot. This gene may be extinct now. It was first isolated in a line of Rhode Island Reds, but it was not maintained nor has it be re-identified.

Just thought I'd throw that out there. Discuss amongst yourselves.


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