Led vs. Incondescent


Near the clouds⛅
Jan 20, 2024
The Woods AK
Hi, I have a quick questian. What do you guys use light wise in your coop for your laying hens? We live off grid with a generator and small battery bank and the led bulbs draw a lot less than the incondescent bulbs but when I use led my girls stop laying, yet my bro uses that and his lay!!🤷‍♀️. What are your guys experience? Thanks in addvance😁!
We have LED. Past years all my hens have laid beautifully even through the winter. My current group however turned into a bunch of freeloaders and quit laying in the fall and are just barely starting to pick up again despite the mild winter.🙄 Of the 9 hens I have all winter I’ve gotten one or two eggs per day. Previous years I’d get 4-6 with this many birds. I’m inclined to think it’s individual specific, or there’s more that factors into it than just the light.
We have LED. Past years all my hens have laid beautifully even through the winter. My current group however turned into a bunch of freeloaders and quit laying in the fall and are just barely starting to pick up again despite the mild winter.🙄 Of the 9 hens I have all winter I’ve gotten one or two eggs per day. Previous years I’d get 4-6 with this many birds. I’m inclined to think it’s individual specific, or there’s more that factors into it than just the light.
That makes sense! Thanks for the input! I hope your free loadere pick up soon😅!
Check the warmth of the lights you're using.
I am just speculating but you probably want something in the daylight spectrum.
White LED can go from very white to yellowish.
I would assume that something soft or more towards yellowish spectrum would work better
Check the warmth of the lights you're using.
I am just speculating but you probably want something in the daylight spectrum.
White LED can go from very white to yellowish.
I would assume that something soft or more towards yellowish spectrum would work better
Alright thanks!
Is the purpose of your lights to get more eggs during the winter? I would suggest rotating more early spring pullets in to get a few eggs in the winter, or get a breed known for laying in the winter.
I have actually found that my silkies are my best winter laying breed. They can also be used as incubators to keep the pullet rotation going.
Is the purpose of your lights to get more eggs during the winter? I would suggest rotating more early spring pullets in to get a few eggs in the winter, or get a breed known for laying in the winter.
I have actually found that my silkies are my best winter laying breed. They can also be used as incubators to keep the pullet rotation going.
Ok thanks! Yes my purpose is for laying in the winter. Thats interesting about silkies!

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