LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

How can this be evil?! Its SO adorable!! ❤️
(Taken off the internet)
View attachment 3839740

Seriously though, sorry you've been prickled, :hugs I've gotten stuck by our wild cactus outside and I know how bad it is!! 🌵
See all those white spots?? Those are teeny tiny clusters of spines. The ones outside your home are *nothing* compared to the agony of attempting to remove these hell-spawn demon hairs!
Not opuntia! If I remember correctly, they did deeper into your skin. Also *I believe* they have some kind of toxin they gradually release. Probably why it hurts like hell
I think you are correct. Ive been stuck by certain wild cactus and not only does it hurt but it feels like the spike had toxins on it.
All I an say is handle it with care and wrap it in newspaper (LOTS of it!) when you do.

Yes, they are pretty. :)

Extra thick gardening gloves too. Maybe a flamethrower, if you'd like to torch that thing after your first sting. Wouldn't blame you
I will be extra careful! I should get a video for you all so you can watch me pot it. :gig

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