Lump on nostril? What is this thing? (pics)


10 Years
May 28, 2011
Lakeland, FL
Okay, so I noticed that my Barred Rock (my favorite chicken, she thinks she's a dog) has this thing on her nostril. She is 4 months old. I first noticed it about 2 weeks ago.

It has gotten bigger, and I'm starting to worry. There are no other symptoms with it. She eats fine, is active, doesn't have a runny nose, her eyes aren't swollen, and her head doesn't smell unusual. It feels hard, not squishy, and is over the front part of her nostril, but doesn't seem to affect her breathing, yet.

Just as a side note, all my chickens were on a Sulmet treatment for 6 days. That treatment just ended 3 days ago. It was due to a young chick that had symptoms of coccidiosis, so I treated them all.

What the heck is this, and what should I do? I read on here about other people that had something similar to this, and removed it themselves. I am tempted to try removing it (as I certainly don't want it getting bigger and start blocking her nostril), but wanted a few people's opinions first. If I remove it myself I will take pictures and post them so that others can learn from this experience.



No other bumps, no other symptoms. She is the only one out of my flock of 21 that has any bumps, and has been the only one for two weeks. It is hard, not soft.

I know, it's weird. Any ideas?
Looks like an over growth of cutaneous cells for some reason. If it is growing in size, I would try to remove it. Not sure if it needs sanded/filed down or clipped off like with nail clippers. Have some styptic powder nearby in case of bleeding. If it has blood supply, it will most likely re-grow. Good luck and keep us updated. I highly doubt it is pox.
I have been thinking about removing it. It just started growing about two or so weeks ago, and had not noticed anything strange before that. I am hoping a one time removal will work for good, but... who knows what it is. I'll take pics for information's sake.

Thanks for the advice on the styptic powder nurse_turtle, I will make sure to have something handy.

I'm not sure what tool I will use for this, but know that I will have to keep her very still to make sure I don't hurt her while I am doing it. I may bring her inside, wrap her in a towel, and put her up on the kitchen cabinet where I can hold her head down, and keep it perfectly still. I will be as gentle as I can, and if I sense that I am hurting her at all, will stop and call vet for appointment. She probably won't like me very much for a while afterward, even if it is painless.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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