Mean 4 week old chick


5 Years
Jun 13, 2018
Gilbert, Arizona
Hi all, I have 20 chicks in a brooder that are 4 weeks old. About a week ago, one of the Easter Eggers has become a bully and is mean. She/he grabs the feathers on the back of the other chicks necks and won’t let go for a couple seconds while the other chicks screams and tries to get away.
Is this normal? Is this a cockerel behavior, or do pullets also behave this way? The EE I ordered were sexed, and it should be a female, but we all know how that goes ha ha.
Is it normal to have a bully as young as 3-4 weeks?
I know, right! And I swear, he ran wild, knocked off the funnel, jumped right on top and struck a pose the second I went in there to take pics! :idunno:lau

Ever see the episode of Mad About You where the sister adopted what she thought was a house cat but it ended up being a puma? Maybe they found a hawk baby and sold it to you! :lau

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