Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

I never drew on the board, outside of one class. My boss had me take Descriptive Geometry (some call it Analytic Geometry), and prefaced that by telling me I'd hate him for it. I loved it! I asked him when was I going to get to the part that made me hate him? He grinned and nodded. I guess we were kind of the same about that class.

Designing molds was the most interesting job I ever had. He was the best boss I ever had too.

Well, the boss who is now my husband was a teeeensy bit better. :gig
I wish digital design etc was available when I went to collage. I've often wished I could go back for a few classes as I'm sure it would be easier than teaching myself to do it (<-- hence my sillychicken avitar....as I have been doing). But, I stick to drawing on the board in my new art studio that I finished over the winter. So Happy with how it turned out!


Peepers have started here in Jackson Co. We have a pond in the front yrd that can be deafening in spring - but I fully enjoy the spring peepers, trillers and later the bullfrogs!

Got my chick brooder ready for chicks in April.

Some of my garden plants are underway. Black Goji berries, and japanese eggplant and peppers are started. Yam starts are also starting to root. Debating on when to sew pea seeds and if I should start inside or just sew outside - but I'm not sure if now is a good time or if I should wait. When do you guys start peas?

Still not working yet. Had a job interview last week, though it is not for much money..it is close to home and easier work. DH said I didn't have to work at all and that is super enticing. Luckily, DH is now getting paid his regular wage (lost 20% after covid hit) and back pay to the first of the year.

The only thing I have been wanting to do is get a couple goats again...and I probably should work to help support my "hobby farm". And it would be nice to hit the mortage a bit harder to pay off sooner.
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I will definitely be looking into some scholarships that's for sure. I do TONS of community service
look for grants as well, I got a few $$ that way and, then just worked my butt off. The parents really didn't do much to help other than let me live rent free till after collage, then I was on my own after that.
My parents have been very generous with allowing me to live here free and pay for my college AND insurance. Sometimes they'll even pay for my gas which I always feel bad for.

I try to do my share around the house by cleaning or tiding up. Sometimes I'll put some cash on the fridge too if anyone needs it for lunch or something. I don't want to feel like a free loader
I try to do my share around the house by cleaning or tiding up. Sometimes I'll put some cash on the fridge too if anyone needs it for lunch or something. I don't want to feel like a free loader
Good for you. That is awesome. I learned early that what goes around, comes around. Paying it forward comes back in some way. Maybe not the way you expect, though. :)
Ha, Me Neither!!
Why I took up drafting, can use a ruler.
I learned to draft on the board, but then learned CADD.
I could have never made a living on the board.
I was lead engineer on a project back in the early 80's. Back when engineers wore ties daily and employees could smoke in the office. I had over 30 draftsmen and draftwomen all on boards. Ashtrays were used as paperweights. All of our tables were 8 feet wide and 20 feet long. Often, a designer would sneak a nap on the board at lunch or during overtime if we were working extended shifts. Those were good times.

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