Moving a new mother and ducklings - any potential problems?


One of the Shire-folk
15 Years
Apr 14, 2009
One of my Anconas hatched three ducklings yesterday and today. They are adorable!
I am hoping to move them out of the partitioned corner of the duck pen (where she's been brooding for the past 4 weeks) to a wire dog crate that will be much more convenient and will give them some more space than they have right now (and to make sure we don't have any premature interactions between the little fuzzies and the rest of the flock).

But my question is, now that they are hatched, is there any problem moving mama and babies into a different space? She won't reject them because she's worried about the new surroundings, will she? I didn't want to move the nest before they were hatched because I didn't want to disturb her brooding cycle. But would now be safe? So far she seems very attentive to her little ones, even though it's her first time, and she's VERY protective! Would doing it at night help the move go more smoothly?

Thank you!
You can just coax her in the dog box by setting a few of the babies in it, and then herding her in. She won't freak, just don't seperate her eye sight from the babies (they get mad is all, lol!)
If you want, you can build a pen that lets the babies run in and out of the wire into the flock, so the adults can see the babies and the babies can run to them or run away and hide. In my experience, broody birds are great moms and usually won't let they're babes get hurt (ducks ESP. Or bantams. Bantams are scary when they're kids are in danger, LOL) and will flip if someone tries. But, up to you, best of luck! <3
Thanks! I did end up moving them (and moved them again today, as my cardboard guard that I had around the sides of the wire crate was being eaten by Mama.
). I set up the new spot and then moved the babies in first, and then put Jane in with them. She was a bit perturbed and not so sure about the new spot, but they settled down pretty quickly. She still doesn't like a lot of movement around the crate, but she'll quiet down if you are quiet, too.
She is getting better at letting me put my hands in and out of the crate, too, which is good because they go through their food and water pretty quickly!

Thank you very much!

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