My ducks were attacked - one severely injured



May 17, 2023
My poor sweet ducks got attacked this morning😭 I suspect it was the neighbor’s dogs. One of my 7 week old ducklings was killed and another one was severely injured. I’m absolutely heartbroken about the one who died but I’m trying to focus on saving the injured one and protecting the rest of the flock.

The injured duck is a 7 week old Khaki Campbell (I think it’s a boy). He has bite wounds on his head and bill. He is bleeding slowly from his nostrils. The worst injury is on top of his head, just above the bill. It was pretty deep. His bill is swollen and his face is swollen. Both his eyes are cloudy and I don’t know if they are damaged or if it’s just the swelling. I cleaned everything and put antibiotic ointment on all the wounds and terramycin in his eyes. I have him in a separate pen with some of my younger ducklings. I’m going to call my vet tomorrow. I don’t know if they do ducks but they do livestock so I’m hoping they can at least prescribe antibiotics or something.

Right now he is very droopy but standing up. Not eating or drinking. I’m sure he’s traumatized. I’ll share some pictures. They aren’t very graphic. If he doesn’t start eating and drinking soon I’ll try tube feeding him. I’ve tube fed other animals but not ducks before.


My ducks were all in a 48 inch tall electric net fence. My charger was not that good and I was planning on buying a new one so I suspect that was the weak point. I have moved all the ducks inside my yard so that they now have a double fence. I’ll keep them there until I figure out what to do.
I am so sorry this happened poor boy looks like he got it good. Thank goodness he is still alive. So sorry you lost one. I sure hope you speak to your neighbors, they need to pay for vet bills.Do you need info on tube feeding?
Shock is hard on them so keep him quite and in a warm place hopefully it will begin to wear off by tomorrow.
I am so sorry this happened poor boy looks like he got it good. Thank goodness he is still alive. So sorry you lost one. I sure hope you speak to your neighbors, they need to pay for vet bills.Do you need info on tube feeding?
Shock is hard on them so keep him quite and in a warm place hopefully it will begin to wear off by tomorrow.
I just watched a video on tube feeding and gave him 20 ml electrolyte. Next feeding I will make a duck pellet smoothie. How often should I feed him?

I did talk to the neighbor but unfortunately I don’t have proof that it was his dogs. He has agreed to keep his dogs confined. However they just moved here and they are our closest neighbor and other people have also reported them chasing livestock. So I don’t know for sure but I strongly suspect.
@My15Ducks if you have Vetricyn it is good for cleaning out wounds. Hopefully she can get the duck into see a vet who can give antibiotics. And give advise on best how to treat. I use Veterycin and always keep it in my med kit so yes that is also a good product to use.
I just watched a video on tube feeding and gave him 20 ml electrolyte. Next feeding I will make a duck pellet smoothie. How often should I feed him?

I did talk to the neighbor but unfortunately I don’t have proof that it was his dogs. He has agreed to keep his dogs confined. However they just moved here and they are our closest neighbor and other people have also reported them chasing livestock. So I don’t know for sure but I strongly suspect.
If he is still in shock I wouldn't force feed him yet.

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