My Rooster is Sick


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 2, 2007
New York

On Tuesday he was fine, he found our blueberry plants in our garden and started eating them. He ran around, crowed, a perfectly normal chicken.

Yesterday I noticed that there was something wrong with him. while all the other chickens were outside he was sitting in the corner of the chicken coop. I tried to give him food and water and he wouldn't eat or drink.

He keeps his head and tail down and walks very slowly, and won't crow. His feces were watery and greenish/yellow yesterday, and I'm not very sure about today.

Last night he didn't have any problem roosting, but he was the same today. Seeing that he didn't eat or drink since Tuesday, I forced him to drink a dixie cup filled with spring water (apx. 1/4 cup of water) because If he doesn't die from whatever he has, I don't want him to die from dehydration.

What is he sick with?

sounds as though he may have picked up something (ate something >perhaps with fungus/mold or a toxic plant or a bug that had been feeding on a carcass perhaps and passed something to him?).... you are right about the fluids...when a bird is ill they will often stop eating and drinking and dehydration will kill them quicker than the original ailment... give electrolytes in water (gatorade will do in a pinch if you have no proper electrolytes which you can usually get at your feed store)... you should give three drops of POLYVISOL (childrens vitamins) into the beak once a day for a week (then slowly taper off) and you might also try a molasses flush (see below)... here is a tip: get a watermelon>scoop out the center to make a "bowl" and then fill this up with yogurt (the live culture one with bifidus culture) and then sprinkle a bit of crumbled cooked egg yolk on top of that...

Add one pint of molasses to 5 gallons of water
Offer the drinking solution free-choice to the affected birds for about four hours. Treat severely affected birds individually if they cannot drink. Return the birds to regular water after the treatment period.

As a supportive treatment for symptoms resulting from Cryptosporidia infection, often referred to as coronaviral enteritis, use:

One quart molasses in 20 gallons of water
Offer this solution free-choice for a period of up to 7-10 days. It is assumed that the molasses replaces certain minerals lost from diarrhea during the course of the infection."
Here is a picture of him as of today. I gave him 1/2 cup of Gatorade and 3 drops of Poly-Vi-Sol. After reading the package, 3 drops seems to be close to nothing seeing that 1ml is the dosage for infants. I was thinking i might be able to give him .5 ml?

I also figure that I should be giving him between 1-2 cups of fluid a day.

He seemed to enjoy the gatorade

I'm pretty sure he is a Red-Star rooster.


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