Mystery Illness & Death


In the Brooder
May 14, 2024
Hi all! I’m a first time chicken owner. I recently purchased 12 chicks from a local hatchery. The chicks are 1-2 weeks old and have been doing great until today. All babies seemed to be doing fine when I went to bed last night but when I went to check on them this morning, I noticed one chick that was acting a little funny. She was lethargic- off balance and unable to stand upright, couldn’t keep her eyes open. I separated her from the others and she drank water from a bowl. At around noon, I was able to syringe feed her and gave her water with electrolytes. I checked on her at 2 & she was more alter, had her eyes open. I came back at 4 and she was falling over again, so I gave her more water & came back at 6. By then she had passed.

What could have caused this? And what can I do to help my other chicks if it happens again?
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I am so sorry!

There's a possibility she had coccidiosis. If others start acting at all like this, get some liquid or powdered Corid right away. You can get that at farm stores. I'll post the dosage for either.

It could also just be FTT (failure to thrive) as sometimes there is just nothing we can do or figure out is wrong and one dies.

Corid dosage chart.jpg
I am so sorry!

There's a possibility she had coccidiosis. If others start acting at all like this, get some liquid or powdered Corid right away. You can get that at farm stores. I'll post the dosage for either.

It could also just be FTT (failure to thrive) as sometimes there is just nothing we can do or figure out is wrong and one dies.

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Thank you so much! I had my husband pick some up over the weekend to have on hand just in case we need it.

So far, we haven’t had any issues with any of the other chicks so we’ll keep our fingers crossed!

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