New member from North Carolina

I was gonna ask but I thought better of it.

It reminds me of a funny story when a business associate of mine from the UK was here in NC...we went down to Wilmington to eat supper and he suddenly yelled out to stop the car...I looked out the window and there was a dance studio next to us with a large sign..."Free Shagging Lessons"...

PS For those not from the southeast US...Shagging is a type of beach music dance.
I was gonna ask but I thought better of it.

It reminds me of a funny story when a business associate of mine from the UK was here in NC...we went down to Wilmington to eat supper and he suddenly yelled out to stop the car...I looked out the window and there was a dance studio next to us with a large sign..."Free Shagging Lessons"...

PS For those not from the southeast US...Shagging is a type of beach music dance.

Thanks for all the welcomes

We have a Rhode Island Red and a Golden Buff.

I lived in England for a while when I was a kid and have many
relatives on that side of the pond. So I get the giggles at my name

It actually comes from shortening the name of the main character on
scooby doo. Shaggie is the name my husband always used.

We are planning on getting 2 more chickens, I have no idea what we will end up getting. My daughter wants to pick one out this time. She spent the day adding roosts to the coop/run with me yesterday.

Yes, Sumner-Byrd Farm is where we got our chickens. They were so nice!!!! They were all excited that we brought our kids.
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