New member


May 21, 2024
Hi All, I've been reading this website for quite awhile. It's my go to place to learn more or find answers to questions about chickens. I've been keeping chickens for 5+ years and enjoy them. Even in the cold winter months, I still want to make sure they are always well cared for.

Right now, I have 12 Hilines. Purchased at 18 months old from an egg farm that replaces their birds every 18 months and instead of landfilling them, they sell them cheaply to the public.

The surplus of eggs is great as I share them with family and friends.

I'm looking forward to being able to engage with like minded people.

Cheers and happy chicks!

Hi, Michelle, and welcome to BYC. Hyline browns look so much like my Golden Buff girls. I wonder if they are actually the same thing, or if it's just that they used similar crosses to make them. Mine are very friendly.

Best wishes from Massachusetts! I look forward to seeing you around, and hearing more about your birds. Good for that hatchery for finding homes for the retiring ladies. Here is an article that may be useful to anybody with chickens:

BYC Lists of Chicken Ailments and Cures

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