New Mug Shots of the Littles!


8 Years
Jun 2, 2011
Springfield, MA.
So, the folks who responded last time told that they think Buttercup (the white one) is a roo, and the other two are pullets. They're older now and I would love to see what the jury says this time! In order they are Buttercup 2 pics, Enoch 2 pics and Bo Peep 2 pics. Thanks!






I've also noticed that behavior wise, Buttercup tends to be far more aggressive than the other two. He/she tends to stand up a little taller, calls the other ones with this strrrrange noise that sounds somewhat like squeaky brakes. Also tends to be the one who is most likely to come sit with me.
I am new to raising chickens and now have 2 babies like yourself, one is like Buttercup and the other one we have looks like Enoch.
Do you know what breed Enoch is?? Ours was born black but is starting to develop brown/reddish tinges to its feathers the same as yours... I am very interested to see what he/she will look like as a mature bird. I have been told that my Buttercup is possibly a white leghorn.
Any information you may have I would be very greatful!
Blackie&CharlieGirl :

I am new to raising chickens and now have 2 babies like yourself, one is like Buttercup and the other one we have looks like Enoch.
Do you know what breed Enoch is?? Ours was born black but is starting to develop brown/reddish tinges to its feathers the same as yours... I am very interested to see what he/she will look like as a mature bird. I have been told that my Buttercup is possibly a white leghorn.
Any information you may have I would be very greatful!

Hi! All three of my littles are Easter Eggers. They really do have very sweet personalities. Enoch is very relaxed and affectionate. A real snuggler, while Bo Peep is more nervous and flighty and actually kind of ditzy ("'s a mealworm. Oh look a box!") and Buttercup is obviously the leader and wants to be top dog. Erm chicken. It's a load of fun watching them grow and develop distinct personality traits.​
I'm a new chick mom in the city but the middle one with the puffy cheeks looks like 2 of mine. I think the farmer I bought them from called them Ameracanas? Is that the same as Easter eggers?
Well, it looks as though Buttercup really is most likely a roo! He let out what sounded like a small crow today. I think he startled himself doing it too!

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