Newbie here!


In the Brooder
May 20, 2024
I am new to the poultry world! I am venturing in with quail, and I am hoping to learn and share here.

I’ve been a gardener for a while, and decided my next go would be with wee little birds.

I do mainly plan to eat them and/or sell them locally.

I converted a playset into a coop and moved them from their small hutch today. They seem happy. I have a solar powered fan that I plan to install tomorrow to ensure good airflow for them.

My next question is for making dust baths for them; my plan is to use a plastic tub with some diatomaceous earth mixed in, but what should I use as a base?

If anyone has tips/tricks, I am happy to have them!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Quail are really fun to keep! Don't put Diatomaceous Earth in the dust bath, its sharp and will cut their lungs. You can add woodstove ashes but plain ol dirt is what they love. Bob's enjoying a good bath...


Enjoy all your poultry adventures!

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