Newbie Introduction


11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
New Hampshire
Greetings to you all! I am a newbie to the fascination with feathers! My first passion, after my husband of 14 yrs and family are my horses and my life as a riding instructor.

Recently, I have been totally obsessed with chickens, as a result of caring for my neighbors flock of 8. Within the past 3 weeks, I have visited 50 sites about chickens and raising chickens; became a member of discussion boards and can't stop checking for new posts.

Although I will not be able to get them for several weeks I have decided upon 3 of each - Barred Rocks, Buff Orps, Speckled Sussex, Golden laced wyandottes, SC light brown Leghorns and Black Australorps. Picked them based upon personality, non-broodiness, egg production and the fact that they will do OK in cold weather.

My family has had birds before but not for about 5 yrs, so I thought I would start it up again. Looking forward to learning so much about my chicks - even though you can never learn enough about horses.

Here is my little video - horses no chickens yet;

Thanks for letting me share!
Nice choices on breeds
good luck!

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