Night Light or No light?


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 8, 2013
Rome NY
My Coop
My Coop
I have been trying to keep the chickens in the dark, BUT they all huddle in the corner, I then turn on a night light and they seem to relax and go sleep on the perch, Should I just let them suffer a night or two all huddled up together or keep turning on a 5 wat night light for them, any harm in keeping it on? They have only been in this new coop for 4 days maybe they are not used to the big space they have yet, but they use it all day long to get out of weather, seems night time they are scared???
You could turn the night light on before dusk and then turn it off after they have been roosting for a while for a several nights to help them get used to the routine. After a week or so I bet they would be used roosting and not be bothered by the lack of a night light.
I have chickens of all ages, and when I put new chicks in the coop, for a little while I like to use a red 25 watt bulb not for heat, but just for a nighlight. When they are roosting really well, I have a regular 60 watt light bulb that goes off about 30 minutes after they come to roost each evening (the timer has to be changed do to lengthening/shortening daylight.) Since me coop is dark mine don't like to come into a dark coop if they are late (that would be the young ones who are avoiding the old girls.)
I have been trying to keep the chickens in the dark, BUT they all huddle in the corner, I then turn on a night light and they seem to relax and go sleep on the perch, Should I just let them suffer a night or two all huddled up together or keep turning on a 5 wat night light for them, any harm in keeping it on? They have only been in this new coop for 4 days maybe they are not used to the big space they have yet, but they use it all day long to get out of weather, seems night time they are scared???
Lights going down too fast. Can you make so coop is a little better lit at least while they are still going to roost? Addition of window is one option. Other is to have night light on until after birds are on perch / roost. Timer can be used for that.
I have my coop about 100` from house. It is setup a way to allow maximum light till dark. They are only fed inside of new coop until they get good and ready for treats outside of coop. They know where "Home" is, they use it all day long to eat, drink and get out of weather (we had quite a few bad rainy days)... They can be on a perch sleeping and as soon as night falls they all huddle into the corner nearest the food, water and grit??? I should also mention my outside garage light is on all through the night so they are never in complete dark, It shines up the coop pretty well.

They just moved into a 96 Sq. ft. coop 4 days ago with 7` high ceilings. I have 14 sex-links...
Since they have the light from the garage, they probaly are fine without a night light. If you find that they aren't going in by dark, you can try the light/timer.
Considering that they have only been in the coop overnight for less than a week they are ahead of the game compared to many young chickens. There are a lot of posts about chickens new to the coop who huddle in piles outside at dark. I had to pick up my chicken pile from the chicken run and put then in the coop at dusk for at least a week. That low level of light you are adding wont hurt them and it may help them get into the habit of roosting. But they will probably get into the habit eventually without the light; it just might take a little longer.
Just an update,, it has been over a week now without a light and they are still perching (sleeping) in corner all bunched up together. I don't mind but I am afraid one is going to suffucate
I think it is unlikely that any of the chickens will suffocate. I suppose the fact that my young chickens piled up outside forced me to pick me up and put them on the roost inside and they soon got used to that. I guess there isn't necessarily a problem with chickens sleeping in a pile. Just and aside, I have three giant four-year old bachelor roosters who share a coop and they sleep in a pile together.

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