non-broody fowl keepers



Chasing broodies
Premium Feather Member
Jan 12, 2023
Attica Greece
This is a thread for all of us unlucky people who have yet to have a broody, or a broody successfully hatch out babies so that we don't annoy all of you normies with our constant complaining on the matter. You can each keep a record of how long you've been waiting for a broody (if you've ever had one that is) it goes without saying, that broody you are so eager to have can be a chicken, a duck, a get the idea. This thread is of course a thread where you can complain about all your failed attempts of course. I've not had a broody in 11 years, so in other words I've never had a chicken go broody on me. @Canadian Wind , @BelovedBirds , @JacinLarkwell , @Isadora , @New duck mommy 2021 , @Tonyroo come join the fun (or rather lack thereof)! You all know my drama on this topic a little more than others, or have personally fallen victim to the broody drought
My pekin daisy went broody in dec 2021
She sat so good for 30 days
Looked after those eggs amazing
Then hatch time came around her eggs were on the small side as she was new to laying
I was also incubating 6 of her eggs I had to assist 4 of the 6 as they couldn’t get turned only the 2 bigger eggs of the 6 hatched on their own
Then a few weeks later was moms turn and same issue happened
I thought maybe she would help but they all died but one bruised on wrong end who I quickly took away to assist took over 52 hours and finally baby hope was hatched ready to meet mom
Well that didn’t go well
Mom was freaked out and tried to attack her
Wouldn’t even go back in her nest box
Still hasn’t gone near that one and it’s been 1.5 years lol
This time when she went broody she lasted just over a week till one of the younger girls went in to sniff around
That was it she never went back in
I finished her hatch in the bator
She is my only duck to actually build the nest and sit but is a very high anxiety duck and any change even moving a feed dish gets her worked up
Maybe one day one of my girls will figure it out so I can enjoy watching the process of a natural hatch and mom with her little ones
I only have ducks :)
My pekin daisy went broody in dec 2021
She sat so good for 30 days
Looked after those eggs amazing
Then hatch time came around her eggs were on the small side as she was new to laying
I was also incubating 6 of her eggs I had to assist 4 of the 6 as they couldn’t get turned only the 2 bigger eggs of the 6 hatched on their own
Then a few weeks later was moms turn and same issue happened
I thought maybe she would help but they all died but one bruised on wrong end who I quickly took away to assist took over 52 hours and finally baby hope was hatched ready to meet mom
Well that didn’t go well
Mom was freaked out and tried to attack her
Wouldn’t even go back in her nest box
Still hasn’t gone near that one and it’s been 1.5 years lol
This time when she went broody she lasted just over a week till one of the younger girls went in to sniff around
That was it she never went back in
I finished her hatch in the bator
She is my only duck to actually build the nest and sit but is a very high anxiety duck and any change even moving a feed dish gets her worked up
Maybe one day one of my girls will figure it out so I can enjoy watching the process of a natural hatch and mom with her little ones
I only have ducks :)

I'm sure the day will come:hugs

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