Normal Pecking Order Establishment?


Apr 4, 2020
Central PA
I'm guessing this is normal. I have two 7 week white cochin hens that I move into a grassy area during the afternoon. I also have two 3 week old partridge cochin hens that I just started putting out in the same area for a short while - it's very warm here, in the mid 80's. The whites don't attack, but one will wonder over and peck the heads of the others a few times and then leave them alone. No blood, just seems like she's establishing herself as boss. Am I correct? I was hoping that doing this would get them used to each other and make the final transition smoother.
real pecking orders arnt established until after birds reach full maturity imo .. but a big difference in size or age always comes into play with young birds, and some just are naturally more aggressive .. i'll see it at the food tray when one figures out it can get in by jumping up on the others lol .. ive never had a problem with actual damage being done with immature birds though, as long as theres not a huge age difference .. i wouldnt put 3 week olds in with almost full size birds, no .. 5,7 yeah, little more like it ..

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