Now is the time, drastically reduce your feed bill, drastically increase the harmony of the flock

My designated mama hen needs to read this! She hatches and raises my meat chickens for me (and by meat chickens I don't mean those monstrosities, I mean normal chickens that I intend to eat). The larger breeds that have good meat on them take their sweet time growing, and because she first starts going broody towards the end of April, it pushes everything quite late... so I can't thin my flock until later in the fall or early winter. They're still too scrawny, otherwise I would've cleaned up for winter by now. If only she could go broody in early March instead.......
I’m sad you think meat chickens are monstrosities. They are the sweetest animals I have ever ever or ever will encounter. :(
The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Monstrosities usually mean that it’s seen as disgusting or undesirable. Maybe being an underdog myself I took it personally(defend those who are underlings) sorry.
Monstrosities usually mean that it’s seen as disgusting or undesirable. Maybe being an underdog myself I took it personally(defend those who are underlings) sorry.
What people have done to them through extreme selective breeding is disgusting and undesirable. The animals themselves are innocent and lovable. I wouldn’t buy and raise chickens from this breed as a form of protest, because I don’t support what has been done to them. Also because I don’t like white meat, and they’ve been bred to have an outrageous amount of white meat, so it would just be a waste.
I did this, to an extent. Got rid of all five of my older girls, gave them away on Craigslist to a lady who wanted older hens for her rooster. Then cleaned out the coop and got 7 chicks. They will be fine all winter in my coop but as soon as they feather out and get big enough, I'll open the door to the run and they will have lots of space to run around. I forgot how cute chicks can be! Last time, I just got POL because I hate waiting for the eggs
My goal was to hatch dual purpose BCM and Bresse for this very reason. But my OG mixed breed decided to go broody in July. I’ve never hatched from a broody momma 11 chicks later … and a November processing day.
Freezer camp reservations: 4 of 6 broad breasted turkeys. My husband loves the two smaller hens so the earned pet status. One old bald RIR hen. One Marans cockerel that didn’t grow straight legs. Two broody mom cockerels.
I’m getting an itch to hatch Bresse over winter.
What people have done to them through extreme selective breeding is disgusting and undesirable. The animals themselves are innocent and lovable. I wouldn’t buy and raise chickens from this breed as a form of protest, because I don’t support what has been done to them. Also because I don’t like white meat, and they’ve been bred to have an outrageous amount of white meat, so it would just be a waste.
They taste amazing but I understand what you’re saying and where you’re coming from too
Now is the time, to thin your flock. Thing is you can cheat with the long days of summer. Often times, your new birds are chicks, smaller birds, more can fit in an area. But soon we are entering in the Northern hemisphere the long nights of winter.

Smaller flocks fit in coops better, you really should not plan on keeping the maximum amount of birds in the coop. It increases the manure load, increases the humidity in the coop. Often times, birds are confined in the coop from 4:00 pm to 7:00 am in the short days of December. The slightest of overcrowding can lead to ugly behavior. Do know that a little 'free ranging' will not make up for long nights in a too small coop.

This will reduce your feed bill.

Do know, that I am really posting this, because I myself have a pretty full coop, and I NEED to thin it by one rooster, and ...???

This is the other side of chicken math, the hard part!

Mrs K
Sage advice!

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