
May 20, 2024
I am making this post in hopes that someone can suggest something to help my duck…

I have a Muscovy duck named SPLASH who is quite old, he is about 15 yrs old, has lost sight in one eye, but still kicking :)
SPLASH has always had wat we just called a ‘wonky wing’ ((we assumed he injured it when he was young)) so he’s never been able to rly fly like the other ducks used to…. He does still flap his wings and has pretty good form, however, his molting has gotten strange in his older days….
It seems as tho he is not molting all of his wing feathers fully? A few ‘older’ feathers r sticking out weird and causing him to be more off balance…. I thought it would go away after a few molts but he still seems to have these wonky feathers that even seem as if they hav tried to grow a new feather but unable to with an old one being present…. He keeps tripping from being off balance and I’m worried he is going to accidentally hurt himself….

Mainly asking if anyone has any suggestions on how I could help him…. I read about a few supplements that help arthritis but was wary bc of the side effects listed… He is an old man and I don’t want to give him something that cld cause him more discomfort/harm…
If anyone has any suggestions or experience for old duck arthritis management/molting/and pain relief

Pls lmk…. ((Open to any suggestions, I’ve thought about trimming them to length of his new feathers but catching him is last resort as it would stress him out a lot))
((Any suggestions on how to help his good eye so he doesn’t lose sight in that one too helps))

He is still a happy ducky who loves to go for a swim and monch some mealworms, he just seems a lot less comfortable recently and has a posture that worries me. I just don’t want him to be in pain and would like to try and help him.

Sorry for the rant but pls let me know if any more info could help!
:welcome I have old Muscovy too lost my oldest at age 15 last Oct. then my drake in March at almost 13 now my 3 remaining are 13 and 11. My drake had arthritis from a fight with my gander years back. I tried baby aspirin did not help then a friend told me her avian vet recommended Cosequin with MSM for her Pekin and she sent me some it took about 3 months to get the dose right for him the vets rec was 1 teas for every 10lb I ended up with more like 2 teaspoons for 15lb. He stopped limping and I am pretty sure his pain level was way down too. He said be sure to get Cosequin with MSM. As for his feather problem my drake didn't molt after he turned around 12 his feathers looked pretty water proof all but at the back end they were pretty broken off just from wear and tear. But if you could trim his wings feathers and even if it is stressful he'll get over it. Then add some extra protein into his diet. My Muscovy love dry dog food, i give them what my dogs eat taste of the Wild Appalachian small bites grain free so they can easily eat them they only get them as a treat but I do believe they would eat them as their sole feed. Some use cat food. Mealworms is another good source of extra protein.
Did he lose his eye sight from an injury? I have 2 ducks without sight in one of their eye my youngest Muscovy survived a hawk attack and lost her sight in one eye and an Indian Runner who is blind in one eye looks like cataract. They both do great and have adapted. As long as his good eye isn't having problems hopefully he'll continue to be able to see and has adapted to only having sight in one eye.
It's such a blessing to have these Muscovy. Just like us humans as we get older things just aren't like they were when we were young but we just keep on going. :)

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