Over 6ft tall tomato plants


8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
I just had one of our maintance guys at the school show me the school greenhouse and what he planted in there this March.
He had 6ft tall tomatoes! It was crazy like a forrest in there of tomatoes.
I was curious if anyone knew what kind of tomato plant did that. If it is a certian one or do all tomato plants get that tall?
Hes using miracle grow.We used it 3 years ago.We had 10ft tall tomato plants..bout 40 or so.Nice and green..hardly a fruit therin.

this year they are only 5ft high,but picking every week. using duck pond water.
I've had that happen many times, with indeterminate varieties. I usually top them so they won't get too tall.
Yeah, I think if you use a fertilizer high in nitrogen you get massive green growth, but very little flowering and fruit production. I've heard of people using nitrogen rich fertilizers and bragging about their tomato plants, but they hardly get any fruit.
Thanks for the tips everyone.
What ever fertilizer this guy is using works great! Very Tall plants and lots of fruit on them.
Mine are 6' now and I'm not using Miracle Grow (unless you count the chicken deposits left on the garden over the winter). No matter what variety I grown, they typically grow to 7-8' tall, both hybrids and heirloom varieties. I'm considering cutting them back this year to keep them under control.
Wow, I can't say I've ever had a tomato plant that was taller than me! When ours start getting tall they start to look lanky so we usually cut them back, but at that point they are usually 3-4 feet tall. How would you support a 7 ft tall tomato plant?
I've got mine on a trellis Chickerdoodle. I tie them with catfish line. It works great and should keep the chickens off the fruit towards the top. I'm doing the same thing with my melons.

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