Panting while laying, taking over an hour - first egg. Normal?


Aug 4, 2022
Glenmoore, PA
UPDATE!! Nevermind, she laid her first egg and is fine now!! Whew!

Do hens gape or pant when laying an egg? I don’t usually see our other 2 laying, so this is still new to me. But my 9mos old Welbar is currently separated from the others this past week, partly because my young roo has zero’d his interest on her to mate and she wants nothing to do with him and I think it’s causing her to get hurt (we initially separated because she got a comb injury, which I think could have been from him). She’s now trying to nest… which I’ve never seen her do before, and panting and gaping.

This has been going on for over an hour now and I can see her vent contracting. Is she possibly trying to lay her first egg - or maybe having trouble? Or should I be concerned with the panting and gaping? 😳
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