pasty butt...


Sep 1, 2018
our chick that had her pasty butt cleared up a few days ago, has it AGAIN. Her feathers don't seem to be getting clean, and are still a little crispy, leading to her poop being able to get stuck more easily. can I use soap? what soap is chick safe?
Don't use soap. I use a semi-wet (not drippy) paper towel with warm water, and hold it on the area for a few minutes (can take up to 5 minutes) to soften the poo, then gently wipe. Apply a light coating of triple antibiotic, A & D ointment, coconut oil, or petroleum jelly to the area. The lubricant should help prevent it from sticking so bad. Do not "wash" the chick, or use soap.

Check your brooder temp. There should be a warm area, and a cooler area. Decrease the warmth weekly by 5 degrees.
I don’t use soap. I just get a small stream of warm water going in the sink. I hold the chick in my left hand and gently clean the poop off with my right. It can take a couple minutes, but the steady stream of warm water softens the poo and it’s not too hard to get free. Chicks kind of sit with their butts sticking out anyway, so it’s pretty easy to keep everything but the vent dry.
thanks! my brooder is the correct temp, and the chicks aren't huddling under the lamp or trying to get away from it, so I assume they must be at the perfect warmth. I'll apply coconut oil as well.
I cut a gallon water jug 3.5 inches and fill with warm water to soak their bums for a few minutes, and clean with my fingers. I use plain water. 20190301_130020.jpg . I've had a couple of Chicks get Pasty butt up to a week, most are over it around 3 days, some in same batch never get it. GC

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