Pea chick died suddenly


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2020
Major storm here yesterday, after the storm I evaluated all my birds and noticed my gifted peachick was shaking. Brought him in dried him off. His head was drifting and he appeared to take breaths of air difficultly. At this point he seemed to not be doing good. Poop looks good... will attach. Kept him isolated overnight and he wouldn’t eat. He is dead this morning. So very sad. Symptoms appear like ciccidia but he seemed fine in cage with guinea chicks just cold. Wondering if maybe my water feeder was too tall... just got him last week completely healthy. Gave him started feed and wild bird food and cooked corn on the cob the other day. My leg is broke so my small children have been doing most of the care. I’d look in daily but they did the feeding and such. Just very upset and embarrassed I couldn’t raise this guy. We all know how expensive peacocks are so probably won’t ever have a chance again...


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Coccidia is not what killed it. It would have bloody, runny stool. You shouldn't really feed chicks cooked foods or really any food other than chick feed till they are older. He probably either froze to death from the wet and cold, or he dry drowned. Never let chicks get wet. How old was it? If it was still fluffy, then it should've still been kept inside and warm. Just advice for next time!
Oh, then he probably could've kept himself warm (I assumed he was younger). It might've been a number of things, some of which were out of your control. The only way to really know what went wrongs would be through a biopsy.

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