Poll for those who have had chicken deaths

What have you lost your chickens to?

  • Mink/weasel

  • Bird of prey

  • Skunk/opossum

  • Fox/coyote/dog

  • Disease

  • Weather (Heat, cold)

  • Other

  • Raccoon

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Had a dog take a few animal control took those dogs also had a fox try but i was out there just injured a duck. Ive seen hawks but they never tried and had a weasel that was not scared of people as it was runing by my feet i tried stomping it but kept missing it was pretty small so im assuming the giant rat that lived in my shed took care of it. Ive also had rats chew meat birds behinds before. Ive also had my own cat catch and eat chicks before.
I've lost a 12-week pullet to a hawk (why couldn't it have taken the crossbeaked cockerel instead?), and I lost a young cockerel to a freak accident -- he seems to have panicked and broken his neck when accidentally trapped outside between two layers of fence overnight.

The precise circumstances don't matter, he was remarkably flighty and always panicking over one thing or another so he was probably doomed to kill himself somehow. :(
I've had chickens for a pretty long time now, 18 years this spring. Over the years I've lost birds to every single selection in that poll (not to a weasel, skunk, or coyote specifically, though, but to others in the same poll option). Other than what's listed, I've lost them to raccoons and freak accidents as others have mentioned, and simply to old age. I'm not sure if things like sour crop really count as disease, per se, but that's partially what I meant when I selected that one. And I don't know if this counts at all or not, but I have also 'lost' birds to the freezer on occasion. Thankfully the unplanned losses are usually few and far between.

Slight edit for clarity
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