Progressive egglaying abnornalities


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
Hi everyone! First time poster!

This was my first winter with my flock. Six Plymouth blue rocks(one is a rooster) and two buff orpingtons. They laid regularly and production wasn’t super impacted and got 3-5 eggs daily. Late winter I started to notice that one of the girls was consistently laying a white with abnormally thin bumpy shell. Previously it was a nice light brown. After a month or so I noticed it wasn’t there anymore so I thought it had resolved. In that time I did end up having to treat for red lice and one girl had scaly leg mites at one point. Scrubbed down the coop and treated everyone. However at some point there were only 4 max eggs being laid daily the last two weeks. Started noticing white broken eggs that were laid while roosting. Gradually thickness was getting thinner. Today it is officially a soft shell. I provide egg shells and oyster shells. Supplement with scraps. Free ranged out of their run regularly up until the last month or so until I started limiting their time out unsupervised.

I’m officially at a loss and I don’t know how to search out these symptoms in any forum since I have literally no idea what to really look for because it’s a white thin egg issue that’s being laid on the roost over night. Just super worried I have an underlying condition I should be treating and afraid I’ll wake up to a super sick girl one day :(

Any ideas chicken lovers?
I have a young California White, which is 3/4 Leghorn and 1/4 Barred Rock. She has had intermittent issues making egg shells properly... similar to yours. Thin shelled eggs from the roost and one shell less egg. My girl seems to be responding well to calcium treatment. When she starts having problems, I give her calcium citrate plus D3 (meant for humans) for a few days and she seems to recover. I also have them all on layer feed right now. Please note, I do not know if there are long term detrimental effects of the high dose calcium (could be hard on her kidneys), but I think the laying problem was going to kill her first if I did not intervene. What do you feed your flock?

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