Putting 1 month old chicks outside


Apr 15, 2022
North East Ohio
I’m looking to put my 1 month old chicks outside. It drops to 50 at night, about 60-80 degrees in the day. Sometimes drafty. Saffro put them out? Should I put the heat lamp out with them? Haven’t had chicks in ages.

I’m also picking up 3 more chicks tomorrow. Can I put them outside with a heat lamp? Prob not safe to put them in with the 1 month olds. Is it?
4 week old chicks can go outside but it's going to depend if you've weaned them from heat. I currently have 4 week olds who are no longer on heat and sleeping in the coop with the big girls.

Regarding the new chicks, will they be day olds? If so then no, you can not just put them with the 4 week olds. You can brood them in the coop but you'll need to be sure they are kept safe.
The four-week olds will do fine outside in those temps with heat at night.

Four weeks is right at the cut-off for merging new chicks with them. You have a 50/50 chance it will work. But first, keep the new chicks separate for a few days until they stabilize and get their bearings and understand how to find their food and water.

When you try putting them together, watch them like a hawk. Again, it can as easily go wrong than right.

I might add that integrating the chicks with the new chicks now would be much easier than waiting until they are all older. There is much less chance of them being competitive at this age. If you find they can't be merged together, then raise them all within sight of one another.
The four-week olds will do fine outside in those temps with heat at night.

Four weeks is right at the cut-off for merging new chicks with them. You have a 50/50 chance it will work. But first, keep the new chicks separate for a few days until they stabilize and get their bearings and understand how to find their food and water.

When you try putting them together, watch them like a hawk. Again, it can as easily go wrong than right.

I might add that integrating the chicks with the new chicks now would be much easier than waiting until they are all older. There is much less chance of them being competitive at this age. If you find they can't be merged together, then raise them all within sight of one another.
This was my thinking. I’ve put in day old chicks with my 3 week olds no prob, so I was hoping I could slide by with this same plan. But my issues will be temp/drafts of being outside for the newbies. Guess I’ll raise newbies inside for a few weeks & then toss outside in a 2nd pen 🤣 I’ll have to buy a 2nd heat source. Ugh.
I've been putting my month old chicks outside during day (75-85 during day temps) in their own enclosure to play and forage on our lawn. They enjoy it a lot. Bring them in at sundown and there seems to be no ill effects. They usually just nod out after a day playing. Keep them in pen at night indoors with just a night light.

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