Quail suddenly became human aggressive then calmed?

She let out a series of war cries that I've never heard before and tried to charge at me through the cage bars. When I let her out she repeatedly jumped to attack my hands or eyes, at one point she bit the back of my hand so spitefully that she was hanging in the air for some seconds.
YES! We had the exact same thing happen to us. Our sweet Tiramisu suddenly became a stalking monster. When I would walk into the kitchen area, she would open her mouth and make a weird cackly sound. We laughed for the first few days and then when I walked into the kitchen she started attacking my toes and trying to chase me out. Then it dawned on us that she had claimed that part of the kitchen for herself and it was her territory.

Solution? We banned her from that area and kept her in her "very nice pen" with another one of our spoiled babies (our blind sweetheart rooster who can't find a hen to save his life). We took Queen T. down a couple of notches and removed treats from that area and food and water. We gave these things to her in a totally different spot. Suddenly our sweet girl was back. So in our situation, it was definitely a "WAY too spoiled" situation and giving her lots of treats (I mean she knows when the refrigerator is opened and she stands in there looking with me and then jumps at me until one of us takes out the "little black bin" which has rice in it. We give her just a few kernels and she is soooo happy.) But being always in the same location in the kitchen absolutely turned her into a fiend.

She is now back to normal. These two quail we have were "special"...one blind and is a total sweetheart and loves to be cuddled. Tiramisu (Queen T.) is the only one who hatched from a batch of Celedons and she is a wonderful little egg layer. Thus, we spoil them. They are like our pet dogs.

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