Question about construction sand


10 Years
Oct 12, 2009
Leander, TX
I am going to need some construction sand for my chicken coops. I read that lots of you are using it, but haven't seen anyone say exactly which kind of sand to use. There is a cement company only a mile from me. I talked to someone today, and he said they have "concrete sand", "manufactured sand", and "mason sand". I told him what I'm using it for and thought the manufactured sand would be the best. He said definitely not mason sand. I asked if chickens could take a dirt bath in the mfg. sand and he wasn't sure. I will go up and look at it. In the meantime though, could some of you chip in and tell me what kind you use? I know there are several different kinds, and not all places will have all kinds.
Any information will be greatly appreciated! I'm finally to the point where I'm ready for the sand, after spending months and months to even get the coops ready. Hardware cloth should arrive today....we ran out of what we had.
The least expensive will work fine. Don't worry too much about the type of sand - it will all work & unless they add chemicals to it it should all be safe for them.
I was about to say that.
I ask for the cheapest. Just bought some at a local chain, last weekend. It was Utility Sand. It was a little coarser than I was expecting. I liked it, think I'll go back there next time.

Thank you for the quick reply! I would not have thought to ask if chemicals were added. I couldn't imagine why they would be, but I don't know anything about all this.
I remember someone posted that his was coarse enough that a person couldn't walk barefooted in it. And then read that playgroud sand was too fine. The man I talked to said that mason sand would be too fine, he thought.
I just want something fine enough that they can dirt bathe in it. I will eventually be putting some in the run, but it isn't ready yet.
I was about to say that.
I ask for the cheapest. Just bought some at a local chain, last weekend. It was Utility Sand. It was a little coarser than I was expecting. I liked it, think I'll go back there next time.


OK. I added that one to my list. We have a man who boards horses with us, and he works for a construction company. He has done a lot of work out here for us, (free so far, because we don't charge him for boarding...I think we are the winners here.) He can get the sand for me, but he told me about there being so many different kinds. Said what they have varies from time to time. So I need to zero in on one specific kind, and then find it. I was just hoping the company so close to me would have it, because we can zip up there with a trailer and get what we need easy enough. Of course moving it from trailer to coop will be a whole other can of Texas with the heat and humidity enough to kill us....I can't be outside more than a few minutes at a time. So do I see a good time in my future? LOL
Not sure the sand, we tried sand in the stalls and didn't care for it so we had 20yds of good quality sand sitting around and just put that in the chicken coop instead. As for putting in the coop from the trailer we used our tractor, but if you don't have one maybe a neighbor does. If it cannot dump in the coop at least get a bucket over to the coop and shovel out of there. Next time we need sand (with 20yds we are good for quite a few years) we will just get least expensive.
I've read to go for as course of sand as you can find (hence construction sand versus play sand), because the fine particles are inhaled by the chickens and can lead to breathing problems. I don't know the difference between the three types you mentioned, but I would google it and go with whatever has larger particles.
I would opt for the more coarse (usually cheaper) grade of sand. Mason sand, play sand and any other refined stuff would be overkill. Plus, the coarse stuff will have more pebbles and grit in it which is good. Also, coarse sand doesn't seem to get as hot in the sun usually IMO.
R&RCoop :

Not sure the sand, we tried sand in the stalls and didn't care for it so we had 20yds of good quality sand sitting around and just put that in the chicken coop instead. As for putting in the coop from the trailer we used our tractor, but if you don't have one maybe a neighbor does. If it cannot dump in the coop at least get a bucket over to the coop and shovel out of there. Next time we need sand (with 20yds we are good for quite a few years) we will just get least expensive.

We don't have a tractor (wish we did), but I'm thinking we might be able to back the trailer either in to the coop, or at least have it right against the opening. The door on the coop is 5 ft. wide and the trailer, I think, is 4 ft. wide. I need to go out and do some measuring. Thanks for your idea. It might be a bit easier than I thought.
Another question....does anyone put sand in the nest boxes? Mine have a bit of hay in them, but I wonder if sand would be better.​
I'd just make sure you ask if it's "clean" sand, meaning no unexpected items. I've found glass, wire, nails, some construction sand. Call to the yard and ask them what type of sand they recommend for a chicken coop. I just went and looked at it. I chose the coarser sand. It still has a lot of finer sand mixed in but it's easier to rake up the poo. The finer stuff will sift down and the birds will dig for it to eat.

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